Conservation Officer Jonathan DeLisle
(603) 352-4022
December 4, 2020

Chesterfield, NH – On Thursday, December 3, 2020, around 5:31 p.m., NH Fish and Game Law Enforcement was notified of a family of three hikers and their dog that had become lost and overcome by darkness in Chesterfield.

Marcus Harcus, 42, Zakeitheia Mearidy, 44, their son and family dog (all from Minnesota) were hiking the trails of Madame Sherri Forest off Gulf Road in Chesterfield when they thought they could hike another 1.5-mile trail before dark but then became lost and overcome by darkness. Harcus frantically dialed 911 on his cell phone with the remaining 10% battery life it had. The family was without any of the proper hiking gear including lights and were wearing sneakers and clothing not suited for the elements. Harcus stated that they made “one wrong turn at the wrong time,” became afraid, and were “totally unprepared.”

The hikers were located safely and escorted to the trailhead by Chesterfield Fire/Rescue and Hinsdale Fire/Rescue. Chesterfield Police also assisted NH Fish and Game with the incident.

NH Fish and Game Conservation Officers wan to remind hikers to plan appropriately for hikes even when you think it will only be a short hike or quick trail; expect the unexpected and understand that search and rescue efforts take time. Before you hike, let someone know where you plan on hiking; stay with your group and stay on the marked trails. Make sure you are wearing proper hiking gear and have a pack with extra clothes, food, water, a light source with extra batteries, map, compass, GPS, cell phone, and other necessities. To learn more about being prepared, visit

No further information is available at this time.