Conservation Officer James Cyrs III
Region One Office, Lancaster, NH
603-788-4850 603-271-3361
January 28, 2019

Millsfield, NH – On Friday, January 25, 2019 at approximately 5:30 PM Fish and Game Conservation Officers were alerted to snowmobilers that were stranded in a section of trail flooded by recent high water in the town of Millsfield. The calling party reported that when traveling on Corridor 28 near Paris Road in Millsfield, he discovered a stuck snowmobile and attempted to make contact with the owners of the vehicle but was unsuccessful. The caller further explained that the water level was approximately waste deep at that location. At the time of the call the air temperature was in the low 20s and falling.

A Conservation Officer responded to the approximate last known location, when the distressed snowmobilers were able to make an emergency call to 911 using limited cell phone service. The two individuals were identified as Michael Cote, 37, of Newmarket, NH, and David Cote, 59, Manchester, NH. Through this phone call they were guided to the nearest road where they were picked up and assessed for any injuries or signs of hypothermia, and required no further treatment.

Snowmobilers should maintain caution while riding trails this weekend. While many trails in the North Country Region are in good condition, wet conditions, flooded trail sections, and possible washouts exist due to the large amount of rain that fell throughout the end of the week.